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As a new travel site, we are offering attractive and flexible options for advertisers and look forward to building long-term relationships.

Types of Ads

1. pay-per-click (Google)
2. subscriber ads (see below)

Subscriber Ads

These are ads that typically run for several months, however spot advertising is also available.

1. Premium Level Subscriber Ads
Customized, probably featuring a photo of your product. Terms negotiable. Available space may be limited). Dimensions: greater than 200 x 60 pixels. Clickable links.Multi-media options also available.

2. Blue Level
Features half-banner ad on one of the 2 main pages (Home or Eco), plus at least three secondary pages. With this you get your logo, website name and a terse phrase describing your product. Typically, these ads will be less than 200 x 60 pixels. Box-size ads also available. Clickable links.
--3 months: $300
--6 months: $500.

3. Red Level
Features half-banner add on one of 2 main pages, plus at least two secondary pages; also box ads. Typically these ads will be less than 220 x 60 pixels. Clickable links.
--3 months $250
--6 months: $450

4. Spot Ads
Same specs as blue and red-level ads. Clickable links.
--1 Month: $150 for half-banner-plus ads
--1 Month: $50 for secondary-page ads (two pages)

Target Demographics:

1. Average Education: university degree and higher
2. Disposable Income: enough to travel abroad.
3. Computer Use: visit the web each day.
4. Age: 18-75.
5. High Interest in World Events, Ecology, Outdoor Experience.
6. Consumer Values: interest in quality gear, fair-trade products.
7. Gender: roughly even mix between males and females.
8. Willing to support responsible businesses.
9. Select audiences: computer-savvy, animal lovers, volunteers, the well-educated, elder-hostel members, people interested in spirituality, women travelers, students, retirees planning a significant foreign vacation, people who read several books a year.

Contact us for the specs on deliverable copy and photos: jdc@sydneysthumb.com